Deprecation of Ubuntu 18.04
Support for Ubuntu 18.04 stopped at the end of March 2023. This means no more updates for signatures and other components will be released for Ubuntu 18.04.
See Migrating from Ubuntu 18.04 for more information and help with migrating.
Updating the environment
Keep an eye on our changelog to see any actions that might need to be taken after updating packages.
In order to update the environment, just the following commands will do:
apt update
apt dist-upgrade
# See documentation on Hatching Triage, Hatching Sandbox, and
# Hatching Frontend for the appropriate parameters.
systemctl restart ...
Rather than updating all systemwide packages, one can run the hatching-update
tool or update the
Hatching binaries with the following command:
apt dist-upgrade -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist=sources.list.d/hatching.list -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts=- -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup=0
Updating tool
We provide a package that contains a package updating tool: hatching-update
This package can be installed by running:
apt install hatching-onprem-ops
Running the hatching-update
tool results in all installed
Hatching packages to be upgraded if an upgrade is available. It will not ask for confirmation.
The updated packages will still require additional steps such as service restarts as described below.
Updating processing.deb
Processing contains the signatures and other detections. New versions of this package are released approximately every week.
apt update
apt install hatching-triage-processing
# Have triage reload the new signatures etc.
killall -HUP triage
Updating triage.deb
apt update
apt install hatching-triage
# Safely stop Triage (optional, but recommended)
pidof triage | xargs kill -s TERM 2>/dev/null && while $(pidof triage >/dev/null); do echo "Waiting for exit.." && sleep 2; done
# Restart triage.
systemctl restart hatching-triage
Updating frontend.deb
apt update
apt install hatching-frontend
# Restart frontend.
systemctl restart triage-frontend
Updating sandbox.deb
apt update
apt install hatching-sandbox
# Safely stop sandbox and wait for tasks to complete (optional, but recommended)
pidof sandbox | xargs kill -s INT 2>/dev/null && while $(pidof sandbox >/dev/null); do echo "Waiting for exit.." && sleep 2; done
# Restart sandbox-net and sandbox
systemctl restart hatching-sandbox-net
systemctl restart hatching-sandbox
Updating hatchvm.deb
apt update
apt install hatching-hatchvm
systemctl restart hatching-vms