Hatching Triage

Welcome to the Hatching Triage installation documentation for on-premises deployments.

We are continuously striving to simplify the deployment. Some steps require your full attention and should be followed carefully.

In case you have any questions, please reach out to us.

Be sure to review the changelog before updating your system.


Before you begin with the deployment of Hatching Triage or any of its components, please make sure that the provided hardware matches the following requirements:

  • A fresh installation of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on the server.
  • The security and updates repositories configured.
  • At least 500 GB of hard disk space available, but more is recommended.
  • "Enough" CPU cores and RAM (this is clarified later on).

Initial deployment steps

First of all we're going to setup the apt package manager. Throughout this document it is assumed that the server is running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and is up to date.

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS remains supported but is not recommnded for new deployments.

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS is not currently supported.

Ensure you have the latest Let's Encrypt root certificate and GnuPG installed

apt update
apt install ca-certificates gnupg

Configuring apt

Enable repositories to receive security updates

Create /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jammy-updates.list with the contents:

deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-updates main universe

Create /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jammy-security.list with the contents:

deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security main restricted
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security universe
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security multiverse

Note: These repositories may already be configured in another location (e.g. /etc/apt/sources.list), in this situation, apt will warn you about the duplicate configuration. Should you already have the security and updates repositories configured, skip this step.

Disable automatic installation of security updates

The automatic installation of security updates is recommended. However, if you wish to disable the automatic installation of security patches (the default), run the following command:

if [ -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades ]; then sudo sed -i 's/APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "1";/APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "0";/g' /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades && sudo sed -i 's/APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "1";/APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "0";/g' /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades; fi

Configure the hatching repository

In order to set up your Triage installation, we have provided you with an apt package mirror URL. In the following steps we'll assume that the URL looks as follows:


company and unique are placeholders and should be replaced with the values of your mirror.

version refers to the OS release, e.g. 22.04

Setup up the apt package mirror and trust the signing key as follows (replacing the URL with the one provided to you):

# Add /hatching.gpg to the URL:
wget https://deploy.hatching.io/pkg/<company>/<unique>/hatching.gpg -O /usr/share/keyrings/hatching.gpg

echo deb "[signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hatching.gpg]" https://deploy.hatching.io/pkg/<company>/<unique> ./ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hatching.list

Disable recommended and suggested packages.

echo 'APT::Install-Recommends "false";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99norecommend
echo 'APT::Install-Suggests "false";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99norecommend

Finally, update apt to make the packages provided by Hatching available:

apt update

Install hatching-keyring.

This package ships the Hatching public keys used to sign package mirrors. This package will be updated when the keys are rotated. Updating it will automatically update the Hatching keys at /usr/share/keyrings/hatching.gpg.

apt install hatching-keyring

Fixing untrusted Hatching apt repository

Every now and then the package signing key is rotated. If (for example) you have not updated in a while, the package mirror can become untrusted and apt may produce error messages.

Remove the untrusted/expired keys and then download the new key.

apt-key list
apt-key del <Hatching key id>
rm /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/hatching.gpg

You must refetch the signing key and mirror in hatching.list must specify [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hatching.gpg].

Follow the steps listed at Configure the hatching repository details to get up-and-running again.

Latest key rotation: Q1 2025

Setup process

This documentation specifically makes a distinction between the following three components:

  • Hatching Triage
  • Hatching Sandbox
  • Hatching Frontend

Please follow the single machine deployment guide.

A list with breaking/important updates can be found in the changelog.

Deprecation of Ubuntu 18.04

Support for Ubuntu 18.04 has ended since the end of March 2023. This means no more signatures and other components will be released for Ubuntu 18.04.

See Migrating from Ubuntu 18.04 for more information and help with migrating.

Updating Hatching packages

See Updating the environment for information on how to update packages.